sabrina pirzada


“Wildly unique, eclectic and classic.”


“A Rare gem in today’s landscape.


“A unique voice like nothing you have heard before.”


“A heartfelt and atmospheric musical experience that lingers long after the final notes have faded away.”


“a tribute to the very heart of humanity.”






Sabrina Pirzada, a visionary wordsmith and sonic architect, beckons us into her sonic realm governed by its own melodic commandments. With unwavering commitment, Pirzada discards the shackles of anger and pain, embracing an existence where the essence of humanity is distilled. Each note, each verse, and each refrain create a world where ordinary experiences, once mundane, are now anointed with a celestial aura, evoking a sense of wonder. Her musical offerings, a testament to this pursuit, uplift the spirit and traverse the depths of our being. In this world, no moment is wasted, no opportunity to learn squandered. In the face of adversity, Pirzada courageously stands her ground, defending what is right and just. Unyielding in her pursuit of truth, she embraces the consequences of her actions, accepting the weight of her convictions with grace and fortitude. This is the mark of an artist who refuses to be confined by societal norms, a seeker of authenticity, unafraid to traverse the untrodden path.

A lyricist of profound depth, and a guitarist who conjures simple, enchanting melodies, guitar-driven rock phrases converge with the resurgent melodies of New Americana. Her ethereal voice, reminiscent of the venerable Blossom Dearie and evocative girl groups of the 1960s, defies easy categorization, an acquired taste for those with discerning musical palates. Her instrument that deviates from the expected, defying conventions and daring to tread upon uncharted vocal territories. Yet, it is precisely this distinctive quality that emerges as a formidable strength, setting Pirzada apart from the crowd and elevating her to a realm of singular artistry. In a world where conformity often reigns, Pirzada's unconventional vocal timbre becomes a beacon of artistic bravery. Her voice, like a rare gem, carries a raw and emotive quality that resonates deep within the recesses of the human soul and possesses the power to transport listeners to unexplored emotional landscapes. It is through this audacious exploration of sonic boundaries that Pirzada discovers new realms of expression, redefining what it means to be a true vocal virtuoso.

Pirzada embraces her unique voice unapologetically, transforming what some may perceive as an anomaly into an extraordinary gift. Her vocal stylings, a testament to her artistic audacity, become the very essence of her sonic identity. It is a reminder that true artistry lies not in conforming to preconceived notions, but in fearlessly embracing one's own individuality. Her highly anticipated debut album, Tell Them Not to Look For Me, promises an exquisite fusion of sounds, blending catchy, arena-sized anthems with stripped-down ballads that lay bare the human condition. With a burgeoning fan base that grows with each passing day, she is poised to ascend the ranks of the music industry, fueled by her extraordinary songwriting prowess and her captivating stage presence. Her lyrics, unguarded and authentic, resonate with a universal truth that speaks directly to the heart, forging a profound connection with listeners from all walks of life.

In the enigmatic and enchanting world of Sabrina Pirzada, music transcends mere entertainment, emerging as a conduit for enlightenment and catharsis. As her melodies weave their way into the tapestry of our lives, they alter our perception of what music can be about. In a world hungry for authenticity, her voice emerges as a guiding light, an emblem of artistic fearlessness that compels listeners to embark on an extraordinary sonic voyage. Prepare to be captivated, as the unusual is celebrated and the extraordinary is forged.

