I’m Sabrina.

I’m a songwriter and a recording artist.

I’ve been a waitress, an executive assistant, a student, a barista at a drive-thru starbucks, and a science communicator at a technical research institution.

I’m obsessed with my dog and I miss my grandpa everyday.

I love chicken strips and fries and mac n’ cheese and prefer them over some of the world’s finest delicacies.

My favorite artist is Bruce Springsteen and I will always cry at his concerts.

I’m a homebody and a free spirit.

I love philosophy and economics and I really want to make the world a better place, but I’m not exactly sure how.

When I’m on hold with customer service I dance to the hold music. This is probably the perfect analogy to describe how I live.

Tell Them Not to Look for Me came out on 2/24/23. It’s my first full-length. I have radically eclectic musical influences and the result is retro ambient dream rock punctuated with Americana ballads about unrequited love that I should be way too embarrassed to write about, but I’m not.

This record is about a lot of things, but mostly, it’s about going all in. ‘Tell Them Not to Look for Me’ is like, ‘Damn the torpedoes. Forget the obstacles. Let’s proceed.’ It’s an examination of questions like, “What things are worth risking everything for? What are the things that have real value? To what lengths am I willing to go for that? What am I willing to bear and why? What good can I make out of this? What is my job?” It’s about deciding what that is and going all in for it.

I’m trying to create a world within these songs that everyone can be a part of. All I really did to get there was write my stories down, and my hope is that maybe you’ll see your stories in there somewhere too.

Follow along with me and let’s keep the conversation going.